
Monday 26 January 2015

Time On My Hands

Just recently I have found myself with a lot more time on my hands as my hours of working have been reduced considerably due to Council cut backs. For some reason or another I am finding it quite difficult to spend the extra time that I have at home wisely. In theory my house should be the cleanest and tidiest it has ever been, but in reality the exact opposite is true! I am finding myself wandering aimlessly from one task to the next with no real focus on anything at all. And because of this I am getting absolutely nothing done and the precious hours that I have been given at home are being well and truly wasted!

I know that as a grown woman I should be able to use my time a bit more constructively but where to begin?

I am not sure that for me that making lists are the answer ~ but maybe breaking my day down into hour long time slots could be the way forward. I really don't want my days to be so structured that I am unable to deviate from it if needs be ~ but until I am able to get my act together and get myself into some kind of daily routine I think that this may be the only way that I will ever get anything done.

Hour One ~ Breakfast and computer time.

I don't know about anyone else, but at the moment this is where I seem to lose an awful lot of my time every day so my time spent on the computer definitely needs to be given a very strict time limit!

Hour Two ~ Laundry, hoovering, tidy upstairs rooms.

Hour Three ~ Exercise.

My poor old body is definitely in need of a bit more exercise. I am about to have a BIG birthday sometime very soon and really do need to motivate myself to get out of the house and move my body a bit more. The fresh air will also do me the world of good too!  I am totally spoilt with my surroundings so there is absolutely no shortage of beautiful places to walk. Obviously this will very much depend on what the weather is doing.

Hour Four ~ Clean kitchen and bathroom.

Hour Five ~ Lunch and some Hooky Time.

Now, I know that you may find this hard to believe ~ but I am even struggling to focus on any of my woolly activities just now. I am hoping that a little bit of allocated time may make it easier for me to focus a bit more and actually get something made.

Hour Six ~ More laundry, ironing and tidying downstairs rooms.

This should take me nicely up to the time when the children get home from school and then it's all hands on deck preparing snacks and dealing with homework related things. Once school is out there is absolutely no time to think about anything else ~ I just have to go with the flow and get on with what needs to be done!

You'll see that I've not actually put any times alongside the hours ~ that way I can mix and match and switch
things around a bit if I want to.

I am really hoping that something like this will work for me and that I will find myself back on track sometime very soon! :O)x


  1. Sometimes hours of extra time isn't the gift that we expect it to be. Your plan sounds like a good one, and hopefully it will make you feel more productive. Having said that, my husband once bought me a purse which I use to keep my stitch markers and on it is embroidered "Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time". I like that sentiment very much! xx

  2. Sounds like you are a little lost at the moment but please don't feel guilty that every minute of the day isn't filled with productive work. Sometimes we just need to take a bit of a break. I find that sometimes giving myself just a small aim for the day helps even if it is only to say tidy one drawer, keep it achievable. It sounds like you are thinking about how to get more out of your day, take it gently.
    Caz xx

  3. It's interesting that you say that, I also work for a Council and I'd been thinking of reducing my hours (I'm sure they'd say yes as it would save money) but I'm not sure I'd actually do anything productive with my time...

    I do like your plan though, maybe it will get you your wooly mojo back too :-)

  4. Sounds as though you have a lot of time in there for housework, make sure to include some fun time too. I hope you can work it all out satisfactorily. xx

  5. I seem to find when I have a few hours free I can't settle down and get anything done, I might need your schedule.

  6. I have found that when you have time in your hands you don't actually get anything done where as if your time is limited, you're more conscious of it and spend it more constructively. I think making a little hourly schedule is a good idea. It will be give a bit of structure to your days and remind you of other things that needs doing. We're all guilty of losing time while on the internet. Good luck! Will be back to read about your mandala. x

  7. I have days like that where I get to the end of them and feel like I've wasted time. But then there are others where there just aren't enough hours in the day. Just take your days as they come, and you'll soon settle into a flexible routine and find the right balance for you between chores & fun things. xx

  8. Your plan looks good. It's hard to use time wisely when we unexpectedly have more than we thought we would.

  9. Hi Jackie, thanks for popping over to my blog, I look forward to seeing more of your lovely crafts :)

  10. I hope you can work out a schedule that suits you, so you get all your jobs done and still have time for plenty of crochet :-) xx
