I have been taking it very easy for the past week and have had my feet up on a daily basis and have managed to do quite a lot of crocheting ~ and quite a lot of drinking tea and quite a lot of eating cake and chocolate and all manner of things that are not good for me at all. But it was all for medicinal purposes you understand!
You will all be very glad to know that I am now well on my way to making a full recovery from my Stupidness and had the very nasty little staples taken out today. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!! At least that is over with and I am truly glad about that. Hopefully that will now be the END to my Stupidness!
Talking of ends ~ what do you do with yours? Do you sew as you go? Or leave them all till last? I must say that I usually do sew them in as I go because I absolutely hate being faced with all those troublesome little ends when I come to the end of a project.
However, this past week I have been in a such a hurry to get a couple of little projects started and finished that I just didn’t want to interrupt my crocheting to sew in all the ends.

This might look like a very neat little pile of flowery circles.....

But look at them from a different angle and you can see the tangle of little end bits that need to be dealt with.

Same here with my Watery Ripple Scarf ~ again there’s lots of little end bits ~ although I did actually start with good intentions but was enjoying the soothing action of rippling so much that I didn’t want to stop.

So here I am faced with the horrid job of sewing in ends and how I wish now I’d done it as I went.
Yippeeeeeeeee! The job has now been done and the little flowery circles and the watery ripple scarf are looking much tidier and there is something very satisfying about seeing a growing pile of little colourful ends that have now been sewn in and snipped off.

Don’t you just love seeing all the colourful little end bits sitting in a colourful little pile :O)