We had a wonderful weekend staying at this lovely Farmhouse Bed and Breakfast, which I can highly recommend if you should ever find yourself looking for a place to stay near to Alton Towers.

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t that great but the scenery is glorious and the children can play safely too.

We fed some goats

We played with some Farm kittens

We visited a Zoological Park where we saw some Meer cats ~ which caused much hilarity as it just reminded us of Alexander from that brilliantly funny advert for Compare the Meercat.com!

And some Flamingos.
We had a lovely, but very wet day at Alton Towers, but it didn’t stop us from having a lot of fun. We were not brave enough to go on any of the fast and scary rides, but enjoyed all the small child and parent friendly rides with the Berry Blaster being our very favourite. We went on the Sky train and later found out that one of the stations that we were in caught fire and was completely burnt down the same day!
We are off again later in the week to spend a few days with my Aunty and Uncle in Weardale, County Durham. Hopefully the weather will have dried up a bit by the end of the week, but if not then I’m sure we will still have a lovely time :O)

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t that great but the scenery is glorious and the children can play safely too.

We fed some goats

We played with some Farm kittens

We visited a Zoological Park where we saw some Meer cats ~ which caused much hilarity as it just reminded us of Alexander from that brilliantly funny advert for Compare the Meercat.com!

And some Flamingos.
We had a lovely, but very wet day at Alton Towers, but it didn’t stop us from having a lot of fun. We were not brave enough to go on any of the fast and scary rides, but enjoyed all the small child and parent friendly rides with the Berry Blaster being our very favourite. We went on the Sky train and later found out that one of the stations that we were in caught fire and was completely burnt down the same day!
We are off again later in the week to spend a few days with my Aunty and Uncle in Weardale, County Durham. Hopefully the weather will have dried up a bit by the end of the week, but if not then I’m sure we will still have a lovely time :O)