A great big HELLO to you all this snowy morning. I'm back! Not that I have been anywhere or indeed done anything exciting that has been keeping me away from blogland for so long! Although, I have just noticed that it must have been about 3 weeks since I last posted something ~ there are no excuses either ~ but anyway......here I am again!

It was my birthday yesterday ~ I won't go into all the numerical details but let's just say that I am very definitely at the stage where I have started counting backwards now! I had a very nice day ~ my lovely husband took the day off work and waited on me hand and foot and kept me supplied with vast quantities of tea and cake when I felt it was necessary...... which on your birthday is very necessary indeed!

I got some lovely presents too ~ my most favourite being these very cosy, very purple and very woolly boots which I absolutely adore. I keep opening the box to take a peek at them and am waiting for all this snow to disappear again so I can venture outside with them on my feet without them being totally ruined on their very first outing!

I have not been totally idle on the crafting front either ~ I have been busy crocheting lots of tiny little rainbow coloured flowers and I have also been trying to finish the Raspberry Ripple Scarf ~ there are lots and lots and lots of horrid little ends to sew in ~ but I am slowly getting into the swing of things again.

I'm off now to put the kettle on again for yet another cup of tea and maybe just a small slice of cake ..... because it would be a real shame for such a yummy chocolatey birthday cake to go to waste now wouldn't it? :O) x