Saturday, 27 June 2009

Making progress!

I have been busy with my little crochet Granny squares and have now managed to join them together fairly easily using this very good tutorial from Attic 24. I decided to make them the centre piece and started to crochet around them, not really giving it much thought to what I was actually going to make. I’m still not one hundred percent sure what the finished object will be, but I think that it may eventually become a colourful little cushion cover.

I have also, at long last, decided on what I am going to make for my Seaside Swap and if you look very carefully at one of these photographs you might get a little clue! This will be my very first attempt at making this particular item, so I only hope that it turns out the way that I expect it to, otherwise I will have to get my thinking cap on very quickly and come up with another idea. It’s probably just as well that I still have a month to go until the posting deadline!

I hope that everyone has a very lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all your bloggy weekend news next week :O)


Sally said...

Your crochet looks fab, looks like a cushion in the making to me :-), can't wait to see your seasidey creation!
Sally x

periwinkle said...

your crochet is looking great - good luck with your seaside swap

Rosie said...

I love crochet too and am currently slightly obsessed! Yours is looking really good. My current project is just a basket of granny squares at this stage, but I am soon to embark on joining them up! You can see them on my blog!

lisa ridgeon said...

You have been busy with your crochet hook. It looks great. I scoured your pics and went cross-eyed but didn't find the 'swap' clue!!


Floss said...

That's looking really good. I can't wait to see what you make for the swap. Thanks for your birthday wishes - I had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello Jackie,
This is my first time visiting your blog and it's lovely, I will be back often to enjoy your posts.
I am also participating in the Seaside swap and unlike you have not decided what to do!!! Shame on me, indeed is a good thing we still have a month to go :)
I am having a giveaway in my blog in case you have time to stop by and wish to participate.
Greetings from Mexico ~

Anonymous said...

uum you have me guessing now