Thursday, 2 July 2009

Out and about

We have had a very busy first few days of our Summer Holidays and have been out and about on a few adventures. The weather has been typically Scottish and has been fairly temperamental, but it hasn’t stopped us having a lot of fun. We have had a picnic on the beach, surrounded by sea mist and another picnic in the park during a thunder storm. We have also ~

Looked for crabs in the rock pools.

Dug holes and built sandcastles.

Sat on some giant chairs.

Played on the Flying Fox

And had a ride on a giant bicycle.

We are planning to go to the little seaside town of Eyemouth tomorrow and are hoping to see some seals in the harbour and have fish and chips for tea too.


LissyLou said...

What a great place! love the giant chair and bicycle - my sons would love it!

My life with MND said...

I love the giant things too! They are so cool.

Glad you are enjoying the holidays and keeping yourself busy xx

periwinkle said...

looks like the fun has begun in your household -- love the giant things -- did you see any seals ?

Anonymous said...

how coolare those huge cahirs I am having such fun sorting out the seaside swap i won't be posting till near the end as we are going to brighton at the end of the month and I want to get some bits from there

Little House By The Sea said...

I love the pictures of the chair and bycicle.. Such fun.
You are right, one trip to Disneyland is not enough so I think that I will have to plan another. Hopefully Daddy will be able to come on this one though.
Sarah x

French Knots said...

Those giant chairs are amazing!

Sally said...

What a great place, it looks like you are all having such fun!
Sally x