Tuesday 10 February 2015

American Adventure

In a couple of days we will be setting off on our American Adventure to Los Angeles and Las Vegas and we are all starting to get really excited about it now. The kids are practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation!

This will be our first ever visit to the USA and we are going as a pre BIG birthday treat with my Dad and his wife who have been many times before ~ this will be their twelfth time in Las Vegas! My Dad has very kindly taken some time to plan out our days to make sure that we get as much from the experience as we possibly can. It is definitely not going to be an holiday for relaxing! But there will hopefully be lots of fun to be had by all!

Our Itinerary for the days ahead looks like this ~

Day 1 ~ Travel to Manchester by train ~ staying overnight in order to catch our flights the next day.
Day 2 ~ Flights from Manchester to Philadelphia, then Philadelphia to Los Angeles.

Now, I have to be honest here and say that I am not particularly looking forward to the long flights which are 16 hours in total each way. We have only ever previously done short trips over to Europe, but everyone reassures me that the flights will seem to go by fairly quickly as there is so much going on to keep you occupied. I really do hope so!

Day 3 ~ Los Angeles ~ Heading off to Malibu Beach, Santa Monica and then onto downtown Los Angeles to see the Walk of the Stars in Hollywood Boulevard and other Hollywood sights.
Day 4 ~ Los Angeles ~ Universal Studios ~ this is the day that the kids are looking forward to the most!
Day 5 ~ Driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas ~ stopping halfway at the old Wild West town of Calico.
Day 6 ~ Las Vegas ~ Visit to the Hoover Dam.
Day 7 ~ Las Vegas ~ Visit to Red Rock Canyon.
Day 8 ~ Las Vegas ~ Spending the day sightseeing around Las Vegas.
Day 9 ~ Flights from Las Vegas to New York (JFK), then New York to Manchester.
Day 10 ~ Train from Manchester to Edinburgh, then another train home, then I imagine it will be straight to BED to sleep off the jet lag!

Over the last couple of days I have been working like an absolute mad woman washing clothes, sorting clothes and stacking clothes in readiness for packing the all the suitcases tonight and I've also managed to find the time to make myself a Stars and Stripes Bag Tag so I can hopefully recognise the aforementioned suitcase at the airport!

See you all when we get back in a couple of weeks :O)xx


Gillian said...

Take care and take lots of photos.

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that you have a wonderful time!! I love your luggage tag, a great idea! Looking forward already to hearing all about it!! xx

Winwick Mum said...

That's going to be such an adventure! Hope you have a wonderful time - and look forward to seeing the photos! xx

gilly said...

Oooh, how fabulous! Bon voyage & wishing you a truly lovely holiday :-)

Alison said...

How exciting! Have a wonderful trip! xx

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness the trip sounds amazing. Have a wonderful time.

Wainwright and Wright.Co said...

Have a fantastic time (think you have gone by now) - look forward to seeing your photos
Caz xx

Hazel said...

Hope you're having a lovely time! Guess where were going today? Berwick upon tweed! We stopped in Edinburgh overnight last night and we're on our way down for a pootle before heading home. Xx

Unknown said...

Enjoy your American holiday!! The Grand Canyon is just amazing--it's out of this world! Have a fantastic time!
Marion x

Winwick Mum said...

Hi Jackie, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award if you want to play along, but don't feel that you have to! :-) xx http://winwickmum.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/liebster-award.html

Lilly's Mom said...

Greetings from southern California. Sounds like you have a fabulous trip planned and I can see why your family is so excited. I do hope we have some sunshine waiting to greet you. I'm sure you will enjoy all the sights. The road trip to Las Vegas is interesting in that you will be in the high desert with not a lot of greenery. But, I'm sure you will have a great time. I live in south Orange County, California, about 70 miles south of Los Angeles. Have Fun!

Gillian said...

Hi Jackie - you've won the small socks in my giveaway. I'll contact you tomorrow by email. Congratulations!